Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Requiem for the Children of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

It was a strange summer day, that humid 6th day of August in 1945, while I was sitting by myself just across the street from my home in Nahant, Massachusetts.

I vividly remember the moment ~ I was gazing towards the south, towards the Atlantic ocean and suddenly I felt a shudder from deep within myself.

It was a momentary sense of a deep collective loss and shortly after that I saw my twin brother excitedly running towards me from our home across the street.

He told me that he had just heard on the radio that we had dropped an Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and that thousands had died in the blast. (Actual deaths were 140,000 of which 60% were burned alive) Three days later, like a dagger in humanity's heart, it happened again in Nagasaki. (Actual deaths were 80,000 of which 90% were burned alive ~ It is estimated that out of every 6 deaths in the bombings, 5 were civilians and 1 was military). See Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb fact sheet ~ overall death listings which does not include at least 23 American POWS who were captured Naval aviators being held in Hiroshima and not acknowledged or reported by the U.S. until the late 1970's. http://www.domlife.org/Justice/Disarmament/bombfactsheet.pdf

I felt very sad for a deep soul connected part of me innately knew the world would never be the same and I also sensed I had felt, at that exact moment in time, the collective loss of thousands of Japanese children, like myself at that time, who were incinerated, maimed and left homeless by these unnecessary barbaric attacks. I also had a profound feeling that something very ominous for humanity had just happened ~ and I was right!

We now had the means to completely destroy the human race ~ particularly evidently the yellow and brown races.

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